Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Here's the Plan

Tomorrow, I will be beginning a new blog here at Reactionary Readings. It will be the standard lectionary blog following the Optina Kellia Lectionary as rendered by Logos 5 Bible Software (No, I am not upgrading right now). I am a neo-reactionary in the tradition of Moldbug, so I hope to inspire and capture the thoughts of others within that tradition. 

I have never tried the lectionary blog, so I hope to keep up at it. It is the best inspiration I know for a daily blog of sorts. 

About me

I am a doctoral student with Grand Canyon University, studying leadership. I live in Tucson, AZ. I am an occasional adjunct instructor and hold an MA in History from Wayland Baptist University. I also have a BCM in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University. As always, I am your writer-- William Tarbush