Kaczynski wrote, in Anti-Tech Revolution (Chapters 2+3), about self-propagating systems. These systems get more complex over time, rather than less complex. They also get more disorderly.
This apparent contradiction, plus the inability to predict the future of a world-system from inside of it, means that there will no Vingean Singularity. I wrote a blog a few years back, where I believed the Singularity was likely. I had not understood Roger Penrose or political philosophy well at the time.
I no longer believe that it will happen, either.
In the chapters (2+3), he also writes that poorly defined goals ruin societies. America had a clear goal for many years during the 20th Century, as the world was defined by the Communism vs. Capitalism struggle.
At the dawn of the Republic, the goal to establish a Republican government separate form Britain was prime. Republican, however, is not clearly defined. As more complexity entered the American government, so has more corruption.
The poor goals of governments doom them.
In America, I have argued before that the complexity of policing laws the Federal Government was to have little role in (according to the Constitution) ruined the viability of the US Government. It is not turned into the Nanny State, a la Snowden's leaks.
The only topic I strongly disagree with Kaczynski on is on page 93, where he asserts that "the Revolutionaries" formed a government which "has lasted until this day." The reason I disagree is that the first US Government (USG) was the Articles of Confederation. It has not lasted.
Kaczynski writes on the fact that Jesus' word has been interpreted differently by people who could not live to Jesus' ideals, such as the admonition against murder.
Feminism is a prime example, where it served a purpose, yet had no clear goals after suffrage. Feminism is falling.
Kaczynski also writes about Luther, Calvin, and the how it has brought us to today's events through the chapters. Today's events seem the logical conclusion of the Princeton Theology.
More updates will come as I read more chapters. I am enjoying the text. Keep in mind, that I received the book for free in exchange for an honest review.
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